Paper Guidelines

TICMET23 : Paper Guidelines
13 Nov ~ 16 Nov

Oral Presentations

* The details about the oral presentations and the conference program will be announced in due time on this web site.

* Registration with payment to the conference is required to be listed in the final oral program. Attendance is mandatory to prevent no-shows and to make sure that only the papers/abstracts/posters of participants will take place in one of Conference Books.

* The language of the conference is English and Turkish


Abstract Submission

* To submit your abstract, register and login to the web site by using the Paper Submission link exists on the left menu. Then, submit your abstract (until 300 words) using the online panel of your conference account.

- If an author just send only abstract  (not the full paper or poster) then  the abstract will be published in abstract book of TICMET’23 with two conditions;

         * Abstract must be accepted

         * Abstract must be presented as orally at the TICMET’23  conference.


Full Paper Submission

* Although it is not mandatory in advance to submit the full paper due to two stages evaluation stage-abstract and full paper evaluation, we encourage you to submit your work as a full paper to be evaluated at once in shorter time.

- If an author send us full paper after his/her abstract was accepted then the paper will be published in Conference Proceedings of TICMET’23  with two conditions;

        * Paper must be accepted

        * Paper must be presented as orally at the TICMET’23 conference.

        * Please use the supplied templates:

     MS Word Template.

        * It is best to start writing your paper by entering the text into the template, to make sure that all formatting is correct.

        * The information on page layout and formatting can be found in the templates.

        * Index terms should be listed, keywords can be found at the IEEE keyword list.

        * The language of the conference is English and Turkish.


Poster Submission

- If an author send us poster after his/her abstract was accepted then the poster will be published in the poster chapter of Conference Proceedings of TICMET’23 with two conditions;

        * Poster must be accepted.

        * Poster must be presented in poster sessions at the TICMET’23 conference.

- The posters will be displayed with good visibility in the TICMET’23.

- The maximum poster size is A0 (W: 80 cm , H: 100 cm). We would like to suggest to use double-stick tape which will be provided by secretariat. 


Poster Presentations

* Poster presentations will have a dedicated one-hour sessions in the first and second days of the conference. No oral sessions will be held during the poster sessions to ensure attendance.

Poster Presentation Template


Rules and Regulations:

Each poster should include a topic/title across the top. The Font Size should be at least 24 point, in bold printing to be seen easily. Underneath the topic/title, authors’ names, job title/position, company/school, postal addresses, and e-mail addresses should be listed in larger than 16 point type.

  1. The text information should be in 16 point type or larger.
  2. The poster must NOT be a commercial/product sales poster.
  3. Specific times and locations for Poster set-up and take down will be forwarded to you as the information becomes available. Please note that anything left in the poster area after the specific take-down period will be discarded. The TICMET’23
  4. Secretariat will not be responsible for your Poster.
  5. To be accepted to the TICMET’23, the author or at least one of the co-authors, has to be registered for the TICMET’23.
  6. If you have any questions, please contact the TICMET’23 Secretariat at [email protected]